Raita recipes such as radish Mooli Raita recipe make your meal more cooling as well as
healthier. It contains all the goodness of fresh radishes and yogurt. It is a wonderful radish and yogurt recipe.
Radish is known in Indian languages as muli / mooli (Hindi), mula(Marathi), mulangi (Kannada).
This Indian yogurt salad recipe is a side dish that is served with a variety of Indian rice or bread.
Not only it is a very healthy recipe, but it is easy and simple and quick salad recipe too. It would take you just a few minutes (the time to grate radish). About 5 minutes total including the tempering to make this raita.
You may use your food processor to grate radishes.
You can use
Homemade Yogurt or the store bought yogurt but make sure that it is fresh and not sour.
You may use the red round radish or the long white radish. It depends on your choice and the availability of the type of radish.
It looks colorful with radishes, white yogurt and the green coriander leaves. Just try it.
For Seasoning
Prepare Seasoning
Final Mixing
Serve with rice or bread immediately or after cooling in the fridge for sometime.
Add 1 tbsp fresh grated coconut to this raita if you wish.
You can add black pepper powder along with or instead of green chili according to your taste.
The plain yogurt(curds)should be fresh and sweet. Make sure it is not sour.
Add 1 tbsp roasted peanut powder to this raita if you wish.
Keep the raitha in the fridge if you are planning to serve it later. If left outside, it can get sour.
Add a small finely chopped onion if you wish.
Tastes wonderful with all the rice dishes
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