Ridge gourd - Dodka peel chutney

Ridge gourd peel chutney / Dodka peel chutney. Turai chutney. Turiya chutney. Ridge gourd is known as Hirekai (Kannada), Beerakaya (Telugu), peerkangai(Tamil).

Vegetable peels have a lot of nutrition. Most of the time we throw these peels away. Either we do not know what to do with it or think that it is not worth the trouble to try to make something with these vegetable peels. 

This easy dodka peel chutney is a yummy and healthy addition to your meal. So try it. You will not waste the ridge gourd peel any more.

Ridge gourd peel - dodka salichi chutneyRidge gourd peel - dodka salichi chutney
Ridge gourd - Luffa - Dodka

This is my mother's recipe and I love this chutney.

How to make ridge gourd peel chutney - dodkyachya salichi chutney

Main ingredients for ridge gourd peel chutney

  • Ridgegourd / dodka peel -  1 cup chopped
  • Green or red chilies - 4-5, more or less according to taste
  • Sesame seeds, roasted - 1 tbsp
  • Salt - 1/2 tsp
  • Jaggery  or sugar - 1/2 tsp, more or less according to taste
  • Tamarind / imli / chinch - a small piece

Tempering - Tadka  ingredients

  • Vegetable Oil - 1 tsp
  • mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp
  • cumin / jeera seeds - 1/2 tsp
  • Hing - asafotida - 1/4 tsp

Optional ingredients

  • Roasted peanuts - 1 tbsp
  • Curry leaves - 4-5
Dodka / ridge gourd peel and green chiliesDodka / ridge gourd peel and green chilies

Heat oil in a pan/kadai. I am using iron kadai.

Add dodka peel and green chilies. Mix well with oil. Stir them often.

Stir fry till chili becomes blistered and peel edges start browning.

Take off from the stove and keep aside to cool. When cool, add salt, jaggery or sugar and a piece of tamarind. Add roasted til/sesame seeds and coriander leaves.

Grind together to get a coarse paste. This chutney need not be ground to a fine paste.

Make tempering / tadka for Dodka ridgourd peel chutney

Heat oil in the same kadai/ pan. Add mustard and cumin seeds.

When they splutter, add hing. Let fry for a few seconds. Switch off.

Add the ground chutney to this tadka and mix the chutney well with the tempering.

Switch off the flame and let the chutney cool.

Store chutney in an airtight container. At room temperature, this chutney is good for 2 days. This chutney remains good to eat for about a week in the fridge. So you can make when you have time and use it within the next week.

 Tips and variations

You may add peanuts along with sesame seeds or instead of sesame seeds.

Add a small bunch of coriander leaves.

You may add garlic if you wish.

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